Cougar Tales: Director's Cut (August 2014)

Welcome to our first edition of Cougar Tales. Cougar Tales is the official monthly newsletter of your Alumni Association. Cougar Tales is intended to be an insider lens to all things College of Charleston. We hope you will find it timely, informative and inspiring.
I have always found it interesting to compare “then and now” photos of friends and family especially as it relates to one’s college years. To that end, and at the risk of being ridiculed, I am voluntarily displaying my CofC junior class picture along with a more current photo. The subliminal message for our younger alumni is to take care of your bodies now; because this is what happens if you don’t!
Typically I will use this Director’s Cut column to opine on issues that I feel are topical and worthy of your attention. You won’t always agree with me. However, over time, I hope you will come to respect my motivation – to inform you about things that matter to our alma mater – and in so doing, perhaps expose you to an area of need, a reason to be proud, an issue for advocacy, an opportunity to volunteer, or an outcome you can impact with philanthropy.
In this issue’s column I simply encourage you to read our exclusive interview with the College of Charleston’s new President, Glenn McConnell ’69. I was proud to be the first Director of Alumni Relations in history (your Alumni Association having been founded 126 years ago) to welcome an alumnus on campus as President.
Personally, I am delighted to have a President who shares our College of Charleston undergraduate experience; was a fraternity president in our Fraternity and Sorority Life system; and was a president of our student body. This foundation of College of Charleston experience bodes well for a President who wishes to advance the College and engage Cougar Nation. We look forward to working with President McConnell on initiatives and programs to do so.
Jack Huguley '72
Director of Alumni Relations
College of Charleston