Canceled: Houston Alumni Social on Thursday, October 2
Please RSVP below by Oct. 1
Thursday, October 2 from 6:00 - 7:30 PM at Lei Low

Let's get together at Lei Low and enjoy some of their cheesy Hawaiian-esque fruity drinks! Lei Low has a great outdoor patio and delicious food, so come for the venue, come for the drinks, or just come to hang out with other CofC alumni and friends. We will have tables together, so look for the
CofC sign when you arrive.
Please help spread the word by sending this to your friends in the local area.
Thanks to your Houston Chapter leaders, Aurora Harris '11 and Raul Estrada '00, for planning this event.
Join our Houston Alumni Chapter group on Facebook to stay updated on all local events and get to know local alumni.
- Thursday, October 2 from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
- Lei Low - 6412 N. Main, Houston, TX 77009
**Please note that this event has been canceled.
For any questions, please contact Meredith Chance, assistant director of chapter development, at 843-953-6631.
Event Registration
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